Missiles and Bananas
going head first into turd base


It’s been only two months since his last TWO arrests in June, but here she is in yet another arrest for 2014. But don’t you shed any tears for Hector, he will soon be free.


June was a big month for Hector. He was arrested just six days previous. But no worries for Hector, freedom is always an option.


A month has gone by for little, old Hector, but nothing has changed. Here is breaking into somebody else’s place. Again. Caught, again. In the act, by the police, again.

Arrest Date:  June 10, 2014 12:28 AM

This is after midnight. For those with jobs, you were probably trying to sleep.


At 9:30 at night, somebody got sick of his ass, and he wouldn’t leave. The police gave him a comfy bed and a few meals. This is a 32 year old man. 2014 is going to be a big year for him.

Arrest Date: May 6, 2014 9:33 PM



After a year in prison, he comes out and stomps his baby mama. It must be okay though. It’s not the first time he’s been arrested for stomping her, and it’s not the last. How could it be the last? He’s FREE to do these things. This is a 31 year old man in the picture.

Arrest Date: October 29, 2013 4:24 PM


This idiot gets caught during one crime, runs from the police, gets caught breaking into somebody else’s place to hide. When asked why he was hiding, he told the police he was playing Hide-n-Seek. Seriously. I say again, the police were pursuing him for one crime, he breaks into another person’s place and his excuse was he was playing Hide-n-Seek. You can’t make this shit up! (well, he can) He’s 29 years old in this picture, and has kids.


Somebody couldn’t be bothered with taking care of his last arrest, so he was arrested some more. I can see why he feels that way, they were simply going to let him go anyways. Geesh, why bother fellas?

Arrest Date: April 27, 2011 10:20 AM


7am, you and I were probably getting ready for work. Hector was casing out his next crime spree

Arrest DateMarch 18, 2011 7:00 AM


trespassing & burglary aren’t enough? How about beating on women?

March 26, 2010


This guy is arrested over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over… But there is no three strikes for him. Just a lifetime to freely destroy the lives of other people.

May 4, 2007